Artist Statement
I seek to express the world around me and the world within me with simplicity, yet complexity.  Circles and lines give me the freedom to experiment with expressions of color, especially in the unique hues and tones of my native Japan.    Color becomes the real subject of my work. I use color to exude passion in my compositions.

Toshiko Kitano Groner's public emergence as an artist arose by accident.  "I was trying to arrange New York exhibitions for my brother, an abstract expressionist painter, who is an established artist in the area where he lives in Japan".  When Toshiko came to New York City by herself from Japan, she promised herself that she would help her brother find places to exhibit his work in New York City.   So one day, she asked a curator and long time artist and teacher in her local community, to take a look at her brother's work in hopes that his work could be shown in a window display on Main Street.

Durning this time, Toshiko had been painting herself from time to time, strictly for enjoyment, with no thought of exhibiting her own work.  As the curator was looking at Toshiko's brother's work, she noticed a painting at the corner of the room and asked "Whose work is this?"  Toshiko said "Oh, It's mine."  The curator was so impressed with her work, that she encouraged Toshiko to participate in an upcoming art show, which she did and which ultimately became the impetus for Toshiko's emergence as an exhibiting artist.

Toshiko's brother had graduated from a Fine Arts University in his home prefecture and was aspiring to become a recognized artist and abstract painter.  But this type of pursuit for herself, whether in art or music seemed hardly possible.   However, when Toshiko came to New York City, new vistas opened to her.  She began doing what she liked to do --- doing it seriously.  She threw herself passionately into writing songs and performing them at clubs and successfuly joined New York City's music scene.  Several years after becoming a singer/songwriter, she was awarded a membership in ASCAP (American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers).  She met many known and unknown musicians and learned that it was possible to do what she loved and to be recognized for it.

After years of invovement with music as a singer/songwriter, Toshiko started her new creative life as a visual artist in 2001.  She began traveling and painting landscapes in the places visited, such as France, Italy and Japan.   She began to exhibit her oils, pastels and watercolors, which were at the time painted in a representional style.   She earned a "Certificate of Completion in Fine Arts Painting" from The Art Students League of New York and has been exhibiting her works at various galleries in New York City and other locations.  For the last 7 years, she has been working on abstraction in oil and mixed media.

Her works has been privately collected in New York, New Jersey, California, Texas and other locations.